Car Show 2020
Garden Grove, Ca
Proceeds to directly to support Kiwanisland of Garden Grove, Ca and the teens we support.
Thank you for your support.
The Cars of the Show
A car lover's dream show. Chevrolet, Ford, Dodge and more. Cars and Trucks.
You name it, it could be there, a hardtop, convertible, two sports car, 4-door family car. Even a custom built.
If you double click on the photo of your car there will be a number if you want that image.
Patt Riley Nicol
A special thanks to Patt Nicol Photography
for some additional photos. A member the Huntington Beach Car Club.
Say hello
Hello everyone and thank you for attending the 2nd Annual KiwanisLand Car show. What a great successful show. As the photographer at the show. If any one would like a complete photoshoot of their car. I will donate $20 for each shoot I do to the KiwanisLand. My regular pricing for a shoot is $200. Special pricing for the anyone who contacts me through this site or the KiwanisLand site the price is $160. of that $20. to the KiwanisLand.
Alan Zusman Photography
[email protected]